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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

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ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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Abdul Wahab*, Dr. Tutang Muhtar K. and I. Gede Tunas


The construction of the Pasigala regional SPAM mega project in its implementation may also carry risks, both large and small, which must be taken seriously. This is related to the impact of the risks that arise which can hinder and harm the project executor in terms of cost, time, quality and scope of work. The objective of this research is to identify risk management in the development of the Pasigala Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM), Central Sulawesi Province. This type of research is a case study. Data analysis was performed through validity testing, reliability testing, risk variable analysis, probability and impact analysis, and risk response. The results show that there are 6 risks that fall into the high category, these risks are the quality of drinking water is not as expected, the Water Treatment Plant (IPA) has never functioned according to the planned capacity, the raw water transmission pipe is not according to its designation, the design of the raw water production unit that has not been able to overcome turbidity due to sedimentation, natural disasters in the location area, and damage to the ecosystem around water sources. The response of expert respondents regarding this risk is to build settling tanks / mud bag and at a pressure of > 70 meters for PVC and HDPE pipes and for steel pipes if the pressure is > 100 meters it is necessary to make a Press Release Tub (BPT), and filter tub, make repairs, install an appropriate raw water transmission pipe. with the plan / design, however this is done if the repair budget is sufficient, performs repairs in several water filter facilities, strengthens and reconstructs a number of damaged transmission pipe buildings, and conducts socialization or education to the public, which is planned to be assisted by agencies competent in the environmental field.

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