Ngirabakunzi Claver*, Irambona Theodose, Mutabazi Jackson,
Hakuzimana Benjamin and Nshimiyimana Samuel
Concrete curing is the essential key for the quality of a concrete. For achieving the design strength and durability there must be a proper curing. Curing process is done accordingly to the desired property of a concrete, the use of concrete, and its exposure. As per IS: 456 -2000?Curing is the process of preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete. ?Curing is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature in concrete for a period of time immediately following placing and finishing so that the desired properties may develop. Normally curing is done for the purpose of keeping the concrete moisture inside and gain the strength a day by day which is relatively done to prevent the strength loss, with no care and/or by doing it unsupervised or unguided the designed strength can?t be achieved especially for the vertical concrete members which held the overall structure loads. In the present study, comparison of compressive strength, and tensile strength of concrete for normal curing method and enhanced curing concrete have been studied. Experimental results indicated that enhanced curing of concrete has the better result compared to the normal curing method normal used on sites. The study indicated that compressive strength, and split tensile strength of enhanced curing technique for vertical concrete member are greater than normal curing technique for vertical concrete members about 29.32% and 22.7% after 28 days of curing respectively.
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