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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Engineering Research and Technology

An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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 h-index  7  5
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Nkolika O. Nwazor* and Ernest A. Ekanem


This research work is on the application of Six Sigma Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) methodology in the reduction of product defects within the beer manufacturing industry. Product defects result from reduction in the quality of material, operational conditions, operator?s behaviour and several other factors in the beer manufacturing process. Reduction of product defect is of great importance in the improvement of yield & financial conditions of any company. Product defects rate causes a direct effect on the profit margin of the company & decreases the quality cost during the manufacturing of the product. The work implemented DMAIC methodology in investigating defects, and their root causes while providing solution to eliminate these defects. The analysis from employing Six Sigma DMAIC indicated that the crowner height and crimp gauge influenced the number of defective products. Design of experiments (DOE) and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques were combined to statistically determine the correlation of the crown height and crimp gauge with defects as well as to define the optimum values needed to eliminate the defects. Thus, a reduction of 57.1% in the beer quality defect was achieved, which helped the organization studied to reduce its general defects thereby improving its Sigma level from 2.6 to 3.0.

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