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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

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ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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Belete Tekie*


Hybrid power systems based on renewable energy sources, especially photovoltaic energy with diesel generator, are an effective option to solve the power-supply deficiency problem for remote and isolated areas far from the national grids. In this paper, photovoltaic-diesel generator-battery bank-converter have been simulated and optimized for the rural community of Dasaanach among the woreda of south Omo Zone in SNNPR of Ethiopia. Primary energy demand of the community is 325kwh/day with peak load of 54kw and the deferrable energy demand of 16kwh/day with peak load of 2.6kw was involved during optimal design of hybrid power system. HOMER software has been used to design the optimal combination, test and simulate the off-grid system. Accordingly, solar energy is considered as primary sources to supply electricity directly to the load and to charge battery bank when there is excess solar energy generation. However, in peak load times diesel generator could also be engaged. The load has been suggested for house hold loads (lighting, television, radio, local food (enjera) baking), commercial load (flour milling machines), community load (school, health clinic) and deferable load (water pumping). The Integration of the hybrid system is to electrify residential houses and their surrounding in order to reduce the need for fossil fuel leading to an increase in the sustainability of the power supply. The study shows that a 60kw solar, 25kw diesel and 80 units of battery with least cost of energy $0.295/kwh and minimum net present cost $381,457 is an optimal combination to provide electricity for the community.

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