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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

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ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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Ehab Farouk Rashed* and Engy Sayed Metwally


University environmental management aims to save energy, reduce emissions, reduce waste stream and monitoring water use. Libraries contribute to zero waste society to make environmental management by promoting knowledge creation, learning and leisure. Nowadays all nations become environmentally aware, so the library should be an environmental leader and is an important example of environmental care and practices and should also spread environmental education among all the people in which it considered as a place to discover new ideas and to discuss the concepts and to share information. The diagnosis was carried out in 36 university buildings (Renewable Energy Institute—REI) through survey and census; that in order to identify and to characterize current patterns of energy consumption and demand, as well as for generating specific strategies towards energy efficiency and saving, for instance the identification of systemic indicators and corrective proposals, and non-financial investment. Most of this loss can be reduced by setting energy efficiency principles in consideration. This can be done by providing correct orientation before designing a building, suitable usage of construction materials and low U value, the usage of heat absorption glasses, the usage of landscape around the building, shading of the building and the usage of opening in building design in university Library buildings. This paper will explore a number of current issues and challenges in energy efficiency in academic libraries and shows how they could solve them, using a cases study analysis. Issues covered include sustainability concepts, operation of library buildings, energy efficiency in relation to library collections, and the reframing of the library organizational design and services. Therefore the importance of this research is raising energy efficiency in libraries by using principles of sustainability with applying retrofit measurements to the case study while noting the effect of energy efficiency (U-value, materials of glass, insulation systems and lighting) on the building. Afterwards, a comparative analysis will be held to determine efficiency of using materials treatments in increasing energy efficiency and decreasing energy consumption of the building by about 24%. The target is that ?when applying energy efficiency analysis the energy consumption reduced to some extent.

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