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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Engineering Research and Technology

An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

WJERT Citation

  All Since 2020
 Citation  172  110
 h-index  7  5
 i10-index  1  0

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Dr. Neha Sharma* and Tushar Sharma


Nanotechnology at a molecular level has a multidisciplinary scientific potential that demonstrates exclusive and dynamic promise capacity to introduce revolutionary advantages in the medical sector through means of medicine, packaging of medicine, genome, and robotics. The motive of the research is to comprehensively explore the potential and implementation mechanism of nanoparticles in treatment of carcinoma through effective drug delivery approach. The review paper tries to highlight all the prominent components of the drug delivery approach opt by nanoparticles for the medication of carcinoma. The paper also highlights the nanoparticle carriers like liposome, dendrimers, micelles, gold nanoparticles, among others. Additionally, it describes the challenges, role and future perspective of the nano particle and its utilization in effective drug delivery mechanisms. The outcome demonstrated the capability of nanoparticle technology for drug delivery mechanisms to provide an anticancer therapeutic approach. It was explored that the nanoparticles approach is widely getting attention because of its specialty toward carcinoma targeting sites and deficiency of different intrusive toxicity potency due to the restricted pattern of drug packed nanoparticles in another organ.

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