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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

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ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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Niyitanga Irene*, Bizumuremyi Justin, Twiringiyimana Alexandre, Umugwaneza Laetitia and Musabe Clement


Provision of punctual and reliable services are one of the major goals in railway operation and management. Due to the complexities involved in railroad operations planning, there are several limited possibilities to improve railroad infrastructure respective to the increase of rail traffic and customer demands. It is very important to develop innovative operation management strategies to make optimum use of the existing capacity, improve profitability and the overall level of rail service Train scheduling is an important stage in railway operations planning process and it is used as the basis for railroad organization. In this paper a mathematical programming model is developed as a support tool to schedule trains on single-track railway networks as well as a planning tool to assess the impact of changes in traffic demand and railroad infrastructure. The single-track train scheduling problem is formulated as a variable-based cumulative flow model with to minimize the total train travel time, under a set of operational and safety constraints. By reformulating the infrastructure capacity using a vector of cumulative flow variables on a time-space network, the model enables the decomposition of the original complex train routing and scheduling problem into a sequence of multiple single-train optimization sub-problems to optimize the routes and passing times of each train at each station along the route. The physical railway network is constructed in NEXTA-Rail Network Editor and an open- source train scheduling package FastTrain is used to solve the proposed model. FastTrain combines an effective time-dependent shortest path algorithm in Lagrangian relaxation solution framework and a priority rule-based implementing algorithm to provide feasible solutions with useful quality measures. The developed model is verified on Mombasa-Nairobi SGR line. The impact of varying the traffic demand by increasing the number of trains as well as opening the reserved passing stations on this network is discussed. In the network constructed with 33 stations, the average travel time of trains is generally higher than in the network with 45 stations. The average train travel time increases with increasing traffic demand in both networks. The network with more passing stations could also accommodate more traffic demand. The results obtained from this research can be directly used as a basis for railroad operations and infrastructure planning, as well as framework for further studies on the capacity of this line.

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