Ratnasari Dewi Amda*, Nirmalawati and Tutang Muhtar K.
The reason for choosing this title is because, like construction projects in general, the implementation of road infrastructure projects in Sigi Regency also faces several obstacles that cause the risk of delays (delay). Disruption of the work will cause losses, both moral and material, those affected by the losses are the parties directly related to the project. The purpose of this research is to analyze what factors influence delays in infrastructure work in Sigi Regency and to find out the most dominant factors causing delays in infrastructure work in Sigi Regency. The type of research used is descriptive research with the sampling technique used being total sampling with a total of 50 respondents. Data analysis with factor analysis method. Based on the results of the research there are six factors that influence delays in infrastructure work in Sigi Regency, these six factors include poor field management, contractor management and natural disaster problems, incompetent field managers, HR readiness and conflicts in the field, additional work and labor turnover, and monitoring quality and weather conditions during work. The amount of influence resulting from all of these factors reached 74,735% while the remaining 25,265% was influenced by other factors that had no significant effect. From the results of this study, it was found that the factor that had the highest influence on the performance of construction workers on road projects in the Sigi Regency area was the factor of bad field management with the highest variance value of 41.958%.
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