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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

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Prof. Dr. Iwasan D. Kejawa* Ed.D


In our world today technology has become so important to the well-being of individuals. The question is, is the rhetoric of using technology to the fullness undertaking by the populace? Research has shown that certain people in our society are still not utilizing the technology education at their fingertips to achieve their ultimate goals. This paper portrays the usages of technology as related to the advantages derived from computers and artificial intelligent and its disadvantages. Today, Computers are being used to solve both simple and sophisticated tasks encountered by humans. Artificial intelligence has sufficed to eliminate the rigorous tasks performed by individuals inthe society. We must be aware that technological education justifies the way we must use technology to its fullness. The education of all incumbents will have to take place to realize our potential of future endeavors. Since technology will continue to advance, individuals must possess the knowledge of computers and their uses in our society. Computers have led to the development of intelligent systems. In the society today, we have the technology that performs the physical and mental functions of living beings. The advantages of using technology outweigh the doubts of using technology. We have technology of the past, present and the foreseeable future in our hands, therefore it rests on all incumbents to explore all avenues of their uses. The Future technological development depends on both the present and the past, as the present is a derivative of the past. Technology education is how we can explore the uses of computer technologies to better our living in the world of today.

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