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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Engineering Research and Technology

An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  172  110
 h-index  7  5
 i10-index  1  0

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Er. Priyanka Dayal*


Cognitive radio network is an emerging field in communication and are giving benefits in various areas. It provides efficient utilization of frequency spectrum and spares bandwidth for other applications. There are various parameters in wireless communication that need improvement for reliable processing of system. The cooperative communication improves the network performance, energy efficiency, network throughput and many more. There are various protocols that are used for cooperative diversity such as amplify and forward, decode and forward, coded cooperation and so on. In this paper, amplify and forward relaying protocol for cognitive radio network is proposed. The data is communicated between transmitter and receiver by using 3-hop and cognitive relays are used accordingly. The encoding of information is done by space time block codes over two different channels such as Additive White Gaussian Noise channel and Rayleigh fading channel. The presence or absence of primary user is detected by using spectrum sensing technique. In this paper, energy detector sensing technique is used to detect the availability of the spectrum because of the less complexity of this system. The results are simulated by using MATLAB software.

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