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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

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Ugwu K. C.*, Ozioko R. E. and Ogbonna I. D.


Technical investigation on the causes and control of workshop accident at Projects Development Institute (PRODA) Enugu in Enugu state of Nigeria was carried out and a survey made involving the use of questionnaire and personal interview during the field trips. The aim was to technically investigate on the causes of accidents at PRODA in Enugu State and suggest the possible means of control and prevention. The author was able to issue 120 questionnaires to 120 staffs randomly and 118 questionnaires were recovered and workshops in six (6) departments were visited. The investigation survey was carried out from machine operators and other relevant staffs attached with machine at Projects Development Institute (PRODA) Enugu in Enugu State of Nigeria. The results of the survey showed that 1 - 10 casualties was recorded in a month and lower than 30 casualties in a year. The researcher has also found that the highest causes of accidents in the workshops are the wrong use of machines, machine malfunctioning, dirtiness and wrong layout of machine in the workshops. The author gathered that 45.8% of the respondent scored the management badly in control and check of workshop accidents while 28.8% scored them good which means that management does not provide all the necessary materials required for control and prevention of workshop accidents. Also, they don?t organize workshop, seminar or symposium on the safety tips, prevention and control as standard for controlling workshops accidents. It was concluded by the author, that Controlling and prevention of workshop accidents should not be ignored and also requires the concern of the management, government, Engineers, Technologist, Technicians, supervisors and other workers in workshops. The author recommended that there is a need to strictly adhere to workshop safety rules and regulations and should be revisited from time to time. Also, that the practices for preventing and avoiding workshop accidents include eliminating shortcuts, implementing emergency drills, and being aware of inherent job risks.

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