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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Engineering Research and Technology

An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  172  110
 h-index  7  5
 i10-index  1  0

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Babita Dhattarwal* and Uma Nirmal


We Propose a completely coordinated temperature sensor for batteryworked, ultra-low power exhibited RFID application. Senor task depends on temperature independent /dependent current sources that are utilized with oscillator and counters to produce a Digital temperature code. Dissimilar to Conventional temperature sensors are based on band gap reference and ADC that expend extensive measure of energy. An improved counter approach is utilized here rather than the regularly utilized complex devastation channel strategies. This approach is fitting for applications that have low examining rate of the temperature. The outline accomplishes one degree precision over the range 0?C to 85?C which is appropriate for generally applications. Utilizing such approach save power and area. With a specific end goal to expand the temperature affectability and dynamic range a supply voltage of 1V is utilized, The sensor is actualized in 0.18?m CMOS and keeping in mind that devouring low power. Temperature sensor has a 10 - bit digital output code over a temperature scope of 0?C to 85?C.

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