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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

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ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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Rufus Ogbuka Chime* and Odo, Fidelis


Eco-innovation is the development of products and processes that contribute to sustainable development, applying the commercial application of knowledge to elicit direct or indirect ecological improvements. Innovation by businesses to reduce their environmental impacts or improve the environment (so called eco-innovation) is an essential ingredient to creating a green, healthy and wealthy future Reducing environmental impact is also important for a business? bottom line, Research shows that this activity is much more likely to translate into profit when businesses pay close attention to all the elements of their business model. Like all innovation activity eco-innovation is not just about new technology New methods of organizing a business or marketing products and services to customers can also reduce a business? broader impact on the environment. Cassava is a major source of carbohydrates in human diet. It is widely cultivated and serves as a major source of income in countries like Brazil, India and most West African countries. The tubers of cassava cannot be stored longer after harvest before decaying. Due to this short storage period of the tubers, cassava tubers are further processed into other forms to enhance its storage and to serve other purposes. In Nigeria, the major uses of cassava tubers is to process it into garri for Consumption and commercial purposes. The rate of garri consumption in Nigeria and West Africa at large increases tremendously that the quest for devising a means to get cassava processed into garri becomes an issue of great concern. This processing of cassava tubers into garri after harvesting involves different stages starting with the peeling, washing, grating into cassava pulp, dehydrating the pulp, sieving the cake and finally frying. One of these processes which is the grating process led to the development of this cassava grating machine. This project seeks to develop a better means of producing garri by using a mobile means and operated power machine and also to design, modelling, simulation, and Sustainability analysis of cassava grating machine. Computer-based design analysis is nowadays a common activity in most development projects.

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