Rahmawati*, Muhammad Saleh Pallu, Mary Selintung and Farouk Maricar
River water is one of the surface water that can be used as a source raw water is commonly used by Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAM) in Indonesia. One of the rivers planned to be an alternative source of raw water in the city of Parepare is the Karajae River where there is interaction between fresh water and sea water. Sea water intrusion in rivers can cause rivers to have high salinity so that the water feels salty. This study aims to assess the water quality in the Karajae River estuary in terms of salinity and pH parameters. The Karajae River water sampling refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 6989.57: 2008) in sections 7 and 8. Research in the river estuary area is carried out for 12 months (October 2017 to September 2018) at 6:00 - 8:10 at the time of the tide and 16.00 - 18:05 at low tide. Based on the results of the discussion it can be concluded that the results of the examination of water quality for salinity and pH in the Karajae River for 12 months still meet the water quality standards according to Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001. The salinity value at the tide condition is 0.02 o/oo - 16.82 o/oo. The maximum level of salinity is in September at point 6 of 16.82 o/oo. The minimum salinity level was in January at points 1,2,3,4 and 5 at 0,02 o/oo. While the salinity at low tide ranging from 0.00 o/oo - 16.090 o/oo, at low tide the maximum salinity level is 16.090 o/oo which is located at point 3 in September 2018 and the minimum salinity is 0.00 o/oo which is located at point 5 to point 10 in October 2017.
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