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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

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An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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Prof. R. Venkatesaperumal*, K. Syed Jafar, V. Venkatesan, S. Senthilnathan and R. Ezhilnilavan


The conventional square pyramid solar still is tested with Fly ash particles to utilize the maximum possible amount of solar energy during noon time to increase the condensation rate. In this work, various quantities (0.5kg, 1kg and 1.5kg) of fly ash particles are used as a thermal energy storage material to receive and store the thermal energy during noon time and also support the still to minimize the heat loss through walls. The fly ash particles are effectively used in the pyramid solar still in order to maintain the temperature difference between the absorber plate and water by absorbing the additional quantity of solar energy during shiny hours. So, evaporation rate increases in the pyramid solar still. The quantity of the fly ash particles in the basin will stimulate the productivity of the still and other parameters like water temperature? glass surface temperature and vapour temperature etc. The experimental works have been conducted for various quantity of water to find the optimum value and various quantity of fly ash used in the basin of square pyramid solar still with the optimum quantity of water. Finally, the performance of the pyramid solar still with fly ash particles is compared to the conventional pyramid solar still under the same climate conditions. The solar productivity of the pyramid solar still with 1.5kg of fly ash particles gives the best results among other quantities, produces 30% more distilled water when compared with conventional pyramid solar still(without fly ash particles).

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