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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

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An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  172  110
 h-index  7  5
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Uwimana Marcelline* and Musabe Clement


Cooling water system is the one of the system which is used to maintain the temperature of the engines producing electricity, at JABANA, cooling water system is divided into two circuits: HT (High Temperature)-circuit and LT (LOW Temperature)- circuit which cool different parts of the engine. The aim of this research was to calculate the efficiency of cooling water used to cool the engines which produce electricity at JABANA and then to evaluate the efficiency by using the data recorded from radiator. Through this study, different ways in which cooling water system is circulating, and working, how it can be treated, its advantages and its disadvantages were launched. During this research more information about cooling water system at JABANA were obtained, and then it was found that the efficiency is at good level and efficiency will not cause the damages on the engines, temperatures also are almost equal, this means that the engines are working well. The method used in this research was to collect data recorded, read books relating to our project in order to get more information and make a research on the different websites where we got the information we did not find through books. All those methods helped us to use the data recorded from radiator and to analyze them. As conclusion, after analyzing data obtained, we found that the efficiency is good, even water for cooling is good, this show us a well working of the engines and cooling water system. We recommend all operators, technicians and engineers into the plant to avoid that the efficiency become low by keeping up their temperatures and doing maintenance at time.

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