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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

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An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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A. Muzaffarov, J. Toshov and N. Abduazizov*


The objective of the study is to assess the capabilities of the spectral analysis of motor oils of mining and metallurgical production machines for an existing industry (NMMC). Methodology. For the analysis of hydraulic fluids, samples were taken from machines of various sections of mining and metallurgical industries and their quality was determined in laboratory conditions by the X-ray fluorescence method on an EDX-7000 instrument (SHMADZU, Japan). To conduct a semi-quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis of the hydraulic fluid of mining and metallurgical production machines on the EDX-7000 instrument (SHMADZU, Japan), an improved version of the spectral analysis method has been developed. A specific sample of the soil (sand) of the area was taken as a matrix composition and an analysis was carried out in laboratory conditions. Results. Based on the studies and developed methods for measuring the spectral analysis of the hydraulic fluid of mining and metallurgical industries, the possibilities of using the X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis method for determining ? concentration are determined. A new method for preparing the test sample was developed. The results of analyzes of chemical elements and their concentration in the matrix mass obtained by x-ray fluorescence method. Scientific novelty. A new method of preparation of the test sample was developed, which includes sampling 100 grams of soil, calcining in a laboratory oven of the CNOL-24/200 brand at a temperature of 80 ? C for 1 hour, grinding to the class of 0.074 microns, adding 100 grams of used oils to it, mixing until a uniformly distributed mass is obtained and fed to a spectral analysis. Practical significance. Based on the studies and the developed methods for measuring the spectral analysis of the hydraulic fluid of mining and metallurgical industries, the possibilities of using the X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis method to determine the concentration of SiO2, Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, Sr, V, Ca, K, Cr, Zn, Cu, Zr, etc. Main goals. Classification of hydraulic fluid, the main determined values in the composition of the hydraulic fluid, methods of sampling hydraulic fluid samples, detailing the possibility of spectral analysis methods to determine a specific value, the classification of hydraulic fluid analysis methods suitable for each object.

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