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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

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An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)

ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

ICV : 79.45

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Dr. C. I. Obinwa*


The work handles a method of optimisation of 330KV power system load flow per excellence. This method is called, PRIMAL-DUAL INTERIOR-POINT TECHNIQUE and it is used in solving optimal load flow problems. As load-sheddings, power outages and system losses have been cause for worries, especially among the developing nations such as Nigeria, hence a need for a more functional load flow solution technique, which, this work addresses. Optimisation is achieving maximum of required and minimum of un-required and it is obtained mathematically by differentiating the objective function with respect to the control variable(s) and equating the resulting expression(s) to zero. This work developed a mathematical model that solves load flow problems by engaging non-negative PRIMAL variables, ?S? and ?z? into the inequality constraint of the load flow problems in other to transform it to equality constraint(s). Another non-negative DUAL variables ?? and ?v? are incorporated together with Lagrangian multiplier ??? to solve optimisation. While solving optimization, Barrier Parameter ?? which ensures feasible point(s) exist(s) within the feasible region (INTERIOR POINT). Damping factor or step length parameter ???, in conjunction with Safety factor ?? (which improves convergence and keeps the non-negative variables strictly positive) are employed to achieve result. The key-words which are capitalized joined to give this work its name, the PRIMAL-DUAL INTERIOR-POINT. The initial feasible point(s) is/are tested for convergence and where it/they fail(s), iteration starts. Variables are updated by using the computed step size and the step length parameter ???, which thereafter, undergo another convergence test. This technique usually converges after first iteration. Primarily, this technique excels the existing methods as; it solves load flow problems with equality and inequality constraints simultaneously, it often converges after first iteration as against six or more iterations of the existing methods for one variable objective, for two variables, the iteration number is very few compared to existing method. Its solution provides higher power generations from available capacity and minimum system loss as example, Geregu Power Station on Bus 12 where, result shows 89.3% generation as against 60% of existing methods. Generation loss is 1.8% as against 80.3% of existing methods and availability loss of 12.5% as against 88.2% of existing. Therefore this method ensures very high system stability.

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