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Dr. C. I. Obinwa*
The paper developed a technique that made much impact recently in optimization of 330 kV and other Extra High Voltage Networks as it solves load flows which are non-linear with both equality and inequality constraints at the same time thereby saving time and also the system from encountering problems due to delays in fault clearings. The existing solves one constraint after the other and has more than 6 iterations before converging, while the developed method has few iterations and often converge after first iteration. The developed technique guarantees higher system power generation and consequently, larger loading with high system stability. With these advantages over the other methods the technique stands the best for optimisation. This technique is realised by applying the non-negative Primal Variables ,?S? and ?z? into the problem formulation to transform the Inequality constraint part to Equality constraints and subsequently apply another non-negative Dual Variables, ?? and ?v? together with Lagrange multiplier ??? to solve optimisation. Optimisation is solved by incorporating, Barrier The paper developed a technique that made much impact recently in optimization of 330 kV and other Extra High Voltage Networks as it solves load flows which are non-linear with both equality and inequality constraints at the same time thereby saving time and also the system from encountering problems due to delays in fault clearings. The existing solves one constraint after the other and has more than 6 iterations before converging, while the developed method has few iterations and often converge after first iteration. The developed technique guarantees higher system power generation and consequently, larger loading with high system stability. With these advantages over the other methods the technique stands the best for optimisation. This technique is realised by applying the non-negative Primal Variables ,?S? and ?z? into the problem formulation to transform the Inequality constraint part to Equality constraints and subsequently apply another non-negative Dual Variables, ?? and ?v? together with Lagrange multiplier ??? to solve optimisation. Optimisation is solved by incorporating, BarrierThe paper developed a technique that made much impact recently in optimization of 330 kV and other Extra High Voltage Networks as it solves load flows which are non-linear with both equality and inequality constraints at the same time thereby saving time and also the system from encountering problems due to delays in fault clearings. The existing solves one constraint after the other and has more than 6 iterations before converging, while the developed method has few iterations and often converge after first iteration. The developed technique guarantees higher system power generation and consequently, larger loading with high system stability. With these advantages over the other methods the technique stands the best for optimisation. This technique is realised by applying the non-negative Primal Variables ,?S? and ?z? into the problem formulation to transform the Inequality constraint part to Equality constraints and subsequently apply another non-negative Dual Variables, ?? and ?v? together with Lagrange multiplier ??? to solve optimisation. Optimisation is solved by incorporating, BarrierParameter ?? which ensures feasible point(s) exist(s) within the feasible region (INTERIOR POINT), Damping Factor or Step length parameter ???, Step Size ?Y, in conjunction with Safety Factor ?? (which improves convergence and keeps the non-negative variables strictly positive) are used for updating variables (Y1=Y0+??Y0). If initialised variables fail convergence test, iteration starts with the updated variables. The problem formulation is doneeconomically through minimisation of cost of power generation; min C(PG)= ?+?PG+?PG2, g(x)=0, stands for conventional power flow equation and other equality constraints, which is represented as; PGPDloss=0 and h ? h(x) ? ?, stands for operating limits on the system, which is represented as PGmin ? PG) ?PGmax. The numerical algorithms of the method runs; Step Zero (Initialisation), Step One (Compute Newton Direction ?Y), Step Two (Update Variables), Step Three (Test for Convergence). Studies with results and analysis of improved perforformance by using PD-IP technique on the 330KV Bus Power Stations using Shiroro HydroPower Station of Nigeria of Bus number 1 as example and from table shows that percentage improvement to the existing methods is 22% on power generation, 15% on powere demand and 64% on power loss. Therefore, this method ensures and guarantees1 high system stability. Finally PD-IP technique proved to stands most desired and so should be introduced to Institutions and Utility Companies.
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