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World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

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ISSN 2454-695X

Impact Factor : 7.029

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Chung Sulin and Abhay Tiwari*


Social entrepreneurship has become the popular and attractive word in India and its gaining the attention of so many youths in Japan as well as around the world now a days. Youths have found this concept to solve the social problems because, it has the best mixture of social service and entrepreneurship; this combination makes it most unique in nature and best way to solve the social problems. Usually entrepreneurship is related to business and economic activities and being ruthlessly profit making and ignoring social benefits or societal wellbeing, but social entrepreneurship has changed the concept of entrepreneurship among the present youth. In the present era of heavy industrialization and economic growth, societal gains have taken back seat or even out of the sight all around the world, including India, with the concept of social entrepreneurship rising in India and developed country like Japan has helped in serving the society in more meaningful manner than ever before. The CSR activity by the major companies are now a days is just a formality and we cannot see the ground level effect, even though the government of India is trying to make CSR a more realistic responsibility for the companies by some government policies but it still need self-realization by the companies for there responsibilities for the society. In this era a revolutionary concept of social entrepreneurship among youths are now looking for their grater roles in helping the society in a way that is both economically and socially beneficial. As the definition of social entrepreneurship itself clarifies that its fine combination of entrepreneurship and societal gains. In recent times, the concept has taken new identities and shapes, and has been accepted among wider areas. The main objective of social entrepreneurship is that, entrepreneurs should more responsible for society and its well-being than earning profits only. This concept also addresses social need and social innovations in its totality, in the opinion of experts; social entrepreneurship is nothing but identification of social need and addressing that need with a unique social innovation. This is where the social and economic entrepreneurship differentiate with each other, economic entrepreneurship focuses on economic need, on the other hands, social entrepreneurship focuses on social needs. This paper is a detailed study on variety of topics related to social entrepreneurship in India and Japan, including the conceptual framework and process of social entrepreneurship in India and Japan. This research paper also includes the various challenges faced by social entrepreneurs and puts forwards its recommendations to improve the overall situation of social entrepreneurship/entrepreneurs in India and Japan. Research paper further discusses similarity and contrast about social entrepreneurship along Indian and Japanese youths. The paper also explains the concepts like, what is social entrepreneurship? social needs and social innovations from Indian and Japanese entrepreneurship?s point of view. Social entrepreneurship has increased its scope and importance in recent years in India and Japan. At last, how social entrepreneurship can change or impact on the social setup and social culture in India and Japan specifically at the bottom of the pyramid level is also underlined in this research paper.

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