Dr. Anand Bethapudi B. E.* and Dr. Neeraja M. Professor
Tourism has tremendous potential due to people?s interest in travel and desire to explore nature and new destinations. Tourism in India is expected to play a key role in the country?s economic growth, human resource, culture, wealth of the country interms of foreign exchange earnings etc., This present study attempts to determine the experiences of visitors from the importance and ability of attractiveness attribute. An IPA (Importance Performance analysis) analysis was conducted. A survey has been steered during the month of October 2019 in multiple attraction sites in Birbhum. Birbhum District is an administrative unit in West Bengal, India. The outcome finds that santiniketan heritage, history and cultural attraction is the only attractiveness attribute that satisfied visitor. In conclusion, these findings will provide additional knowledge on how visitor perceived the attraction in birbhum in term of satisfaction and which attribute need to be focused by destination marketers for future marketing strategy.
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