Shaileshkumar A. Chauhan*
The process of inducing evaporation of the moisture contained in wood; a type of hydrothermal treatment of wood is known as wood seasoning. The main purpose of the seasoning is to reduce the moisture content in the wood to a level appropriate to the use of the articles made from the wood. This prevents changes in the dimensions and shape of the articles, eliminates wood rot, increases the strength of the wood, reduces the weight of the articles, strengthens glued joints, and improves the quality of finishing. Wood is seasoned in various forms: lumber, peeled or planed veneers, crushed wood particles, and semi-finished articles. The simplest method of seasoning lumber is open-air seasoning, in which the lumber is stacked in the open air or under canopies for a period of two or three weeks to several months. The principal industrial method, kiln drying, uses kilns fed with hot air, a mixture of air and fuel gases, or superheated steam. Kilns with steam are the most commonly used type. Continuously operating kilns are used primarily for large-scale seasoning of umber prior to shipping; moisture content is reduced to 18?22 percent. Batch kilns are used to season wood to a moisture content of 7?10 percent.[1] On the basis of the research we made seasoning kiln we are using the heat exchanger to generate proper heat and the same generated heat will be blow inside the well-insulated canopies with high velocity and the our plant CFM will be sufficient to maintain the desire temperature for good result and it reduce the seasoning time as well. Safety precautions also has been taken by using different sensor for maintain even temperature for seasoning purpose. In our experiment we have done the experiment to remove moisture by uniform temperature. Experiment done in 20 Lx18 Wx10 H size insulated chamber and got good result of uniform temperature with minimum time.
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